Online OCD Treatment
Affordable, Professional, and Convenient Care from the Comfort of Your Home
For: All ages
Estimated wait time: 5 minutes or less
What is OCD?
From my recollection, OCD, which stands for Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, is a form of mental health condition marked by unwarranted relentless thoughts, known as obsessions, and compulsive actions that seem repetitive and unnecessary. Additionally, such actions are driven by the urge to prevent anxiety or a dreaded scenario from unfolding. However, the relief from these actions is neither sustainable nor helpful in the long run.
Washing and organizing things for a compulsive obsessive disorder sufferer, while the serious irrational and compulsive drives can stem from anxiety regarding infection or injury. The severity of treating OCD can be mild to serious but unfortunately it is still up for debate what the direct cause is. Sightings suggest the influence of environmental, genetic, and neurological causes. Treatment usually consists of Cognitive Behavior Therapy and medications.
Types of OCD
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) manifests in various forms, each involving different types of obsessions and compulsions. Some common types of OCD include:
Contamination OCD
Involves a fear of germs, dirt, or contamination. Compulsions may include excessive washing, cleaning, or avoiding certain objects or places.
Hoarding OCD
Involves difficulty discarding or parting with possessions, leading to the accumulation of items and causing distress or impairment in daily life.
Checking OCD
Characterized by persistent fears of making mistakes or causing harm (e.g., leaving the stove on, forgetting to lock the door). Compulsions involve checking things repeatedly.
Intrusive Thoughts OCD
Characterized by unwanted, distressing thoughts or mental images, often violent or taboo in nature. Compulsions may include mental rituals or avoidance.
Symmetry and Ordering OCD
Involves an obsession with symmetry, order, or arranging objects in a specific way. People may feel compelled to organize items or align things perfectly.
Religious or Moral OCD
Involves excessive concern with moral or religious issues, such as fears of sinning or being morally wrong. Compulsions may involve praying or seeking reassurance.
An online OCD visit costs between $39–$59
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Symptoms of OCD
The symptoms of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) include:
- Obsessions – Recurrent, persistent, and intrusive thoughts, urges, or images that cause significant anxiety or distress. These may include fears of contamination, harming others, making mistakes, or disturbing mental images.
- Compulsions – Repetitive behaviors or mental acts performed to reduce the anxiety caused by obsessions. Common compulsions include excessive cleaning, checking, counting, arranging, or repeating actions.
- Distress or Discomfort – A sense of urgency or distress if the compulsions are not carried out. People with OCD often feel a need to complete tasks in a specific way to prevent perceived harm or to make things "right."
- Time-Consuming Rituals – The compulsive behaviors can take up a significant amount of time each day, interfering with daily functioning, work, or relationships.
- Avoidance – Avoiding situations, places, or people that might trigger obsessive thoughts or compulsive behaviors. This may limit social or occupational functioning.
- Reassurance Seeking – Constantly seeking reassurance from others about whether certain actions or fears are "okay" or safe.
Cause of OCD
The exact cause of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is not fully understood, but several factors are believed to contribute to its development:
- Genetic Factors – OCD tends to run in families, suggesting a genetic predisposition. Certain genes may increase the risk of developing OCD, though no single gene has been identified as the cause.
- Brain Chemistry – Imbalances in certain neurotransmitters, particularly serotonin, are thought to play a role in OCD. Serotonin helps regulate mood, behavior, and anxiety, and disruptions in its function may contribute to OCD symptoms.
- Brain Structure and Function – Differences in the structure and functioning of the brain, particularly in areas like the orbitofrontal cortex, caudate nucleus, and thalamus, have been linked to OCD. These areas are involved in decision-making, behavior regulation, and response to anxiety.
- Environmental Factors – Stressful life events, trauma, abuse, or significant changes (such as illness or loss) may trigger or worsen OCD symptoms in people who are predisposed to the disorder. Environmental influences may also include childhood infections that impact brain functioning.
- Psychological Factors – Certain cognitive patterns, such as the tendency to overestimate threats, a need for control, or rigid thinking, may contribute to the development of OCD.
How Doctor on call works
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Schedule an Appointment
Click on Book Appointment button and download a Medical history form, fill it and send it to email [email protected] before appointment and then proceed to appointment booking page and select the date and time as per availability.
Join the Online Session
Use the provided link to connect with your doctor via video call at your scheduled time.
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Frequently asked questions about pink eye
Pink Eye (Conjunctivitis) is an inflammation or infection of the transparent membrane that lines your eyelid and covers the white part of your eyeball. It can be caused by bacteria, viruses, allergens, or irritants.
Choosing an online consultation offers you the convenience of receiving professional medical advice from the comfort of your home. You save time and money while still getting high-quality care.
You’ll be asked to fill out a medical history form before your appointment. This helps the doctor understand your symptoms and provide a more accurate diagnosis and treatment plan.
Our consultations are affordable, ranging from $29 to $89 depending on the duration of the consultation (10-30 minutes). This is significantly lower than an in-person visit.
During the consultation, you’ll discuss your symptoms with a licensed doctor. The doctor will ask about your medical history, assess your condition, and provide a treatment plan. You can also ask any questions you have about your condition.
Yes, if necessary, our doctors will prescribe the appropriate medication or treatment for your condition. The prescription will be sent to you digitally.
Absolutely. We take privacy seriously and ensure your health information is secure and protected at all times.
If you require follow-up care, our doctors are available for additional consultations. You can easily book another appointment through our platform.
I struggled with OCD for years, and finding the right treatment was challenging. Doctors Care Online connected me with a compassionate therapist who truly understood my struggles. The convenience of online sessions made it easy to stay consistent with my treatment. I feel more in control of my thoughts and daily life now!